She openeth her mouth with Wisdom, and in her tongue is the Law of Kindness.” Proverbs 31:26(KJV)

The lifeblood of every relationship is communication. In other words, what blood is to the human body is what communication is to every relationship, marriage inclusive.(1Pet. 3:7) It runs through every aspect of marriage because once there is a communication breakdown, it affects many things and opens the door for the enemy. This is one major reason an understanding of the purpose and power of communication is critical in relationships at large. Communication is the ability to transmit thoughts and perception between two people. In male and female differences, women communicate emotionally (based on how they feel) while men communicate logically (based on thinking, facts and reasoning). It is noteworthy that we interpret things based on how we perceive them because perception is stronger than reality. (Ex. 32:17-18)

There are Three Key Elements in Effective Communication:

1. The Actual Content: This refers to the real words spoken audibly which makes up only 7% of Communication. (Ephesians. 4:29).

2. The Tone of the Voice: This conditions the perception of the person with whom we communicate and makes up 38% of the Communication. (Proverbs. 15:1)

3. Non-verbal Communication: This refers to signs, gestures, facial expressions, body language etc. These make up 55% of Effective Communication. It is advisable in communication not to talk when one is angry because you won’t communicate well and may say things that you would regret afterwards. In correction, learn to always sandwich commendation with correction in between so your spouse won’t be a victim of destructive criticism. Learn to overlook certain things while also sitting down to discuss certain sensitive issues.

The following are Obstacles to Communication:

(A). Lack of Truthfulness: It creates suspicion and distrust so be open-minded, as well as transparent with your spouse.

(B). Lack of Exclusivity: Love is jealous just like the Lord God Almighty Himself (Exo 20: 5).
As married couples, we must set boundaries with the opposite sex because there is a place in our hearts that only our spouses should occupy. Love needs to be serviced by communication.

(C). Defensiveness: When your spouse is telling you something about you, listen and don’t be defensive.

(D). Failure to listen: Spend quality time together and practice active listening as you express your thoughts, feelings and aspirations to each other. When there is communication breakdown, satan starts talking to each of you in your minds since he is a master in altering perceptions and at this situation people will now start assuming things in their mind that are not real.
Be an attentive listener. (James 1:19).


Lord, please grant us the Grace and Wisdom to communicate effectively with our spouses in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

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